


JIXXII: a multidimensional artist who loves to create!

Hi everyone - Iā€™m JIXXII, known to my friends and family as Jamie. I am a painter, singer, songwriter, music producer, and writer. I have a passion for utilizing art as a tool for self-discovery and healing.

My Philosophy on Art & Creativity:

I believe that the true essence of our being is a Spirit.. Invisible to the eye, but reflected in everything that we do.

What is a Spirit? Our Spirit is eternal.. it is the truest part of us that goes beyond death, and holds all of our energy that has been collected from different lives. Our bodies and outward appearances are nothing but shells.. vehicles, that carry our Spirit through the journey of Life.

We have become accustomed to judging a person's whole being simply by taking into account what we see in front of us.. whether we are judging someone by their skin color, body type, hair color, or the way that they dress. This is the way that our 3D materialistic society has molded us to perceive the world..

I believe that our Spirit is who we truly are. And that Spirit can be seen.. it is shown through your actions, your words, and the way that you create Life around you.

Our Spirit is also seen through our tangible and genuine creations.

Whether it's through music, photography, dance, or painting.. Anything that you breathe Life into with your soul, is a glimpse into your Spirit.

Just how the eyes are the windows to the soul,

Art is a portal for the Spirit.